Distance between Gaze and Laser Pointer Predicts Performance in Video-Based e-Learning Independent of the Presence of an on-Screen Instructor


In online lectures, showing an on-screen instructor gained popularity amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. However, evidence in favor of this is mixed: they draw attention and may distract from the content. In contrast, using signaling (e.g., with a digital pointer) provides known benefits for learners. But effects of signaling were only researched in absence of an on-screen instructor. In the present explorative study, we investigated effects of an on-screen instructor on the division of learners’ attention; specifically, on following a digital pointer signal with their gaze. The presence of an instructor led to an increased number of fixations in the presenter area. This did neither affect learning outcomes nor gaze patterns following the pointer. The average distance between the learner’s gaze and the pointer position predicts the student’s quiz performance, independent of the presence of an on-screen instructor. This can also help in creating automated immediate-feedback systems for educational videos.

In 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications